Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The goals of the new value system

Let us look at what money is, how does it work, what are its shortcomings and list goals of a new system of value exchange.

In short money is an abstraction of value, effort, resources and influence.

Money is a very useful invention:

  • by mechanism of abstraction it enables trade between people who otherwise would not be able to trade
  • it allows to store value for later use
  • it is a mechanism to influence people to do, what they normally would not do
  • it is an approximation of direct democracy (each dollar counts)

The problems of the current monetary system:

  • supply of money is limited and thus represents an artificial barrier to trade
  • people who have no money, have no influence on the society (exclusivity)
  • people do terrible things for money
  • money is hard to trace

That is why I set myself on a mission to create a software that will improve the current monetary system.
My goals are:

  • the value in the new system has to be unlimited, but it also has to retain value
  • the new system has to be inclusive, it has to let anybody to participate
  • the new transactions will always be traceable, thus easing crime and abuse detection
  • the value in new system has to be immune to stealing
  • the new system has to prevent unnecessary global financial turbulences
  • the new system has to increase personal freedom of participants
  • the new system has to reduce systematic abuse by enforcing direct and personal responsibility

You will say: this sounds nice, but such a system is impossible. 20 years ago I would have agreed with you, but I do believe the computing and communication technologies have advanced so much, that such a system is possible today.

I have found many enabling technologies on the web, that allow us to build a better economic systems. But those are scattered amongst  many projects. So my task is to integrate those technologies into a working system. Let me name some of those concepts and technologies: the economics of open source projects, time banks, ripple pay distributed currency, social networks, and others.

The discussion on all of these points will follow soon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, i'm surprised nobody commented, I typed in google this search "allowing taxpayers to control where their money goes", I think going all the way would be the best bet in a taxpayer system. It would probably work quite well in America. There would be the "General Fund" as an option to where the Congress would get complete power over this. It probably should start as a law, and end up as amendment. But I am talking from the US standpoint. I'm really surprised nobody commented on this. I think this is a wonderful idea. All I hear is "I don't want my tax money going to that!" Well then let us democratize taxes. And I am very interested in what other ideas you have on your site. Thank you!
