Thursday, September 29, 2011

It is time to grow up

I have been watching news regarding the movement named occupy wall street. Those people are angry. I can perfectly understand why they are angry and I am too, but what is their goal, what do they propose?

People don't like the current state that the world is in but they rely on ma's and pa's - the government, the banks and whoever to solve their problems. I am sorry to tell you, but it is not going to work.

We have to have goals, a plan how to reach that goal and of course make it happen!

Why the government or banks or wall street can not help us?

Transferring the ability to manage our lives to institutions of government and banks creates concentration of power. Those institutions then start to calculate various statistics that de-humanize the society. What % of people without health insurance is acceptable? What is the acceptable child mortality rate? (US dropped from 26th position to 41st position in the world in child mortality according to WHO.) Such concentration of power and de-humanization are preconditions for systematic abuse of weaker parts of society. It is not corrupt individuals (stop dreaming of an honest politician or empathic banker) - the abuse is systematic.It happened in soviet Russia, in dictatorships like Egypt or Libya and in capitalistic US. A psychologist does explain this far better then I, so please take time and watch that video:

We do not need banks and politics to decide what we can or want to do. We can do it right now without asking those guys.

This blog is a start of my project of improving the way we trade and fix some of the aspects of the money system. Please do read the post about the goals and do contribute and help out.

Next I am writing a post about economics of open source projects which is almost done. The fight for software freedom has been a huge influence on me and I do consider projects like Wikipedia, Linux and Apache as incredible proof of concepts.

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